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Eliet Machines | Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This page was last modified on May 31, 2018.

We are aware that you have confidence in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we will let you know what information we collect when you use our website, why we collect this data and how we use it to improve your user experience. This way you understand exactly how we work.

This privacy policy applies to the services of Eliet Europe nv. You should be aware that Eliet Europe nv is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and sources. By using this website you accept the privacy policy.

Eliet Europe nv respects the privacy of all users of its site and ensures that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially.

1. Protection of personal data

1.1. Eliet Europe nv respects the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data.

1.2. GDPR legislation 2018

Eliet Europe nv commits to evolve to a 100% compliancy in accordance with the GDPR legislation in 2018.

The GDPR legislation - General Data Processing Regulation - is a new European legislative framework with a direct effect on the processing of personal data. This replaces the European Privacy Directive.

This new legislation means new rights for those involved and obligations for processors and controllers.
This privacy policy is just one of the many steps we take for this. We will be happy to provide our documentation with measures taken on request.

1.3. Personal data Eliet Europe nv

1.3.1 Processing agreement personal data: contact information customers

  • For our customer management we use a CRM and / or CMS package. In this we keep - as long as necessary - following personal data of our existing customers:
    • Company
    • Message
    • Category: consumer, professional user, rental company or other
    • E-mail address
    • Phone
    • Country
    • City
    • Address
    • First name
    • Name
  • This information is only used for contact with the customer via e-mail, telephone or post. So not for promotional campaigns.
  • Eliet Europe nv supervises the correctness of this data and contacts the relevant customers to check whether these data are correct.
  • The customer can view this data at any time (see also: 2. Checking and adjusting personal data).
  • If a customer leaves at Eliet Europe nv, this data will be stored for a maximum of 7 years. Then we remove it completely from our database.
  • This data will in no case be shared with third parties.

1.3.2 Processing agreement personal data: Passwords

  • If necessary, we pass on passwords from systems to external partners over the telephone and never via e-mail.
  • When creating new passwords, we ensure that they are strong enough.
  • When an employee leaves our company, we ensure that he / she no longer has access to the systems.

2. Reviewing and adjusting personal data

  • Customers and staff of Eliet Europe nv can request their corresponding personal data at any time. Upon request, Eliet Europe nv will provide the required data - physical documents or online - as soon as possible.
  • The customer or employee can also ask for the data to be adjusted and / or removed..
  • In the company itself, not everyone has access to all data: sensitive personnel information can be viewed internally by the authorized persons.

3. Cookie Policy

Eliet Europe nv mainly uses cookies to improve your browsing experience on the website. All data we collect from our cookies are anonymous and are only used to understand the customer experience on the website with the aim of improving the performance and usability of this website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is usually a small text file sent from a website and stored in the user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user visits the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to inform the website of the previous activity of the user.

Cookies were designed as a reliable mechanism for websites to remember the status of the website or activity that a user has undertaken in the past. They help us to optimize your visit to the website, to remember the technical choices (eg language selection, newsletter, etc.) and to show more relevant services and offers. If you wish to consult our website, we advise you to enable the cookies. However, if you choose not to do this, you are always free to not turn these cookies on.

Cookies may include: clicking on certain buttons, logging in or a recording of the pages that were visited by the user, even months or years ago. Although cookies can not contain viruses and can not install malware on the host computer, tracking cookies and especially third-party tracking cookies are often used as ways to compile long-term data of the browsing history of individuals.

How to disable cookies

There are a number of options available to prevent the storage of cookies. Please visit the websites of the different browsers below to learn how to block the storage of cookies.

In addition to avoiding storage, it’s also possible to remove the current cookies installed on the computer at any time. It is worth remembering that when you decide to delete all your cookies, you will most likely have to relinquish all your user names and passwords on all of the websites you visited. As mentioned, cookies can be an asset to your browsing experience on the web.

If you want to know more about cookies, please visit the website www.allaboutcookies.org. This website provides more information about cookies, explains in detail how to remove the cookies you find, and shows you how to allow trusted websites to store cookies on your computer.

4. In case of a data breach

  • If a data breach occurs (situation where personal data are maliciously released), Eliet Europe nv calls on Black and White Company with the role of controller, who in turn uses Combell - the processor.
  • A data breach must be passed on to the Privacy Commission within 72 hours after discovery / sensation (not the occurrence). Our partner Black and White Company arranges this with Combell, who takes on this responsibility as a processor.

5. Questions about our Privacy Policy?

We are constantly working to comply with the new GDPR legislation.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us:

Eliet Europe nv
Diesveldstraat 2   -   8553 Otegem
Phone: +32 56 77 70 88
​E-mail: info@eliet.eu